Well hello my lovely, lovely ones. How are we all? Keeping warm? There’s some kind of gale going on outside my window. Do feel very lucky to be snuggled up inside today. I took the dog for a walk this morning, when it wasn’t too bad, I have a funny feeling she’s not gonna want to go outside in this. Bless her, definitely not a fan of the windy/wet days. Think she’s telling me already, that she doesn’t want to go!!

My daughter has just started her new chapter at secondary school and is definitely a big change in her life. They go from primary school, where they stay in one classroom and taught by one, maybe two teachers – to suddenly walking to school by themselves, having to find their way around different classrooms and taught by a variety of teachers. It’s such a huge step for them all. But one I knew she was ready for and thankfully seems to be settling in well. So that’s a relief. Think the biggest challenge for them all, is time management, making sure they are in the right place, in the right time and enough time to be able to get everything completed.
I feel like that is my problem at the minute. Juggling all the elements of family life. We seem to have so many after school activities, that I’ve had to work out a timetable of which dinners need to be one pot wonders in the warming drawer and which I can cook fresh at dinner time. I think two of the nights, we eat in the 3 different time slots in our house. Haha – crazy. Makes me remember in lockdown when no activities occurred and there was no rushing around. We still had a timetable though, but that was for things like snack time! Haha! Oh the joys.
One thing I do seem to be juggling with time for is crocheting and knitting at the minute! Definitely not a problem that everyone would have.

It’s not only having the time to actually do one or the other, but which out of the two, to do. My design hat for crocheting, seems to be developing into the designing for knitting too. Never thought that would ever have been the case. It’s funny isn’t it, how life can surprise you. I have always knitted. My Gran and Mum taught me years ago, when I was a little lady. I used to knit my Gran’s infamous slipper socks, which have gone far and wide in our family. Great pattern and one that I love to look at now. I then taught myself how to crochet and crochet toys and the love for crocheting just exploded. I couldn’t get enough of it. I seemed to understand it easier than knitting and it became easy to create. But now the knitting design hat seems to be itching away and wanting to create something new and exciting too. The more I knit, the more I want to design. I do wonder, how my life would be different, if I just followed other people’s patterns. Heyho. There are so many greats ones out there too.
I do find that my small on the go projects, seem to always be knitted or crocheted socks. They seem to be the best thing to carry around with you at all times, in the hope that you may get lucky and get a little moment. One round of a sock is a result in my book. But more is always preferable. Haha.
I tend to come in different modes: Football Mum, Hockey Mum, Tennis Mum, Swimming Mum to name but a few.
Football Mum below… crikey it was a bit warmer the day I took that picture!!

Now if the crocheting/knitting little moments involve coffee… then I am seriously on a winning moment. And in a mug – means happy days.

But it usually occurs in my flask, which is never far away from me. And apparently I can’t seem to live without my Hide & Hammer bag. Fits my flask perfectly!

Hopefully soon, I will get a little more time for my beloved PipsRainbow. I have so many things to share with you, so exciting. I am hoping to soon bring you my very first knitting pattern. It’s quite a simple one and one that many of you crocheters can easily learn to knit with. It comprises of 5 different stitches, which you work up in 5 colour sections to create a simple, yet elegant knitted blanket. Exciting!

The pattern is written, so it’s just needs a spot of proof reading and pics and it will hopefully be with you all. Hopefully I will be able to bring you a few more PipsRainbow Knitted patterns in the future too.
Right, I had better get on with a few jobs before the craziness of evening activities occur.
Big hugs to you all,