(Well, it is Advent season!)

Hello my lovely ones. How are we all on this cold wintery mornings. It’s been rather chilly hasn’t it! It is rather nice to have all the warm yarny woolies out though. We have had a bit of strange week – I picked my little lady up from her week long residential on Friday. It’s been so weirdly quiet! The house doesn’t seem to function without her at all. It seems strangely unbalanced. So nice to have her back in the house. Feels complete again. Not a fan of her being away. But I know they need to do these things to grow and spread their wings and oh boy, did they have fun.
So I just wanted to pop on & talk about Advents! I know many of you lucky ones will have had a gorgeous delivery this last week from some of our incredible yarn dyers. I hope you have all managed to grab the one you wanted. It is such an exciting time of year for the yarny world. Can’t wait to open mine. So exciting.

I have tried to behave this year and not buy too much yarn, so that I could buy the advents. They are a great way to create a really spectacular piece, as many of the dyers will create each mini skein of yarn to sit beautifully with each other. With many of them dyed in a gradient manner, allowing the colours to flow and compliment each other. As of next year, I am hoping to bring you more crocheted garments, so with this in mind, the advents are win win for me.

I feel that the advents can say a lot about a dyer and really gives them a chance to shine and show their true colours. Many of them start planing their advents in the spring!! Can you imagine! So a lot of hard work and thought has gone into these beautifully little advent parcels. Ekk. I am now getting super excited.
In the past I have been super lucky to have Orchidean Luxury Yarn Advents. They are so scrumptious and so luxurious. Such a pleasure to open each day and see what squishy yarny treats are in store for you. But this year I have also branched out for one of Lisa’s advents from For the Love of Yarn too. I am super excited to be bringing you an exclusive pattern for her advent later in the year, with all proceeds for the pattern going to Children’s Liver Disease. An incredible charity that is very close to Lisa’s heart too. I was so humbled to find that Lisa has chosen me as one of her top crochet designers for her advents, such an incredible honour. Thank you Lisa. So kind of you.

Some of you may be starting to think about what kind of projects you would like to work on with your advents, so I couldn’t resist sharing my Advent Shawl pattern with you again this year. It is one of my all time favourite advent yarn pieces and, as many of you know, I am never far away from it! Well it’s rainbow and it’s soft yarn and it’s warm, what more can I say!!

Now this year I have created the pattern in an easily downloadable file, so that you can get going with your advent project straight away.
As with all my patterns now, I would be extremely grateful for any possible donations, however small, to my Crochet for Charity Just Giving Page. At the moment, I am hoping to support Child Bereavement Charity, which has been close to our hearts for a few years now. Thank you so much in advance for any donations you are able to give.
So here are the links you need:
The Advent Shawl PDF Pattern
Just Giving Crochet For Charity Page
Crochet for Charity Just Giving Page
Keep your eyes peeled for some other advent projects that may find their way onto my website too. There’s another one that I really can’t wait to share with you. In time, I will create an Advent Category on the website, so you will be able to find the patterns easily. Don’t forget that if you aren’t able to buy the advents, then all of these patterns can be made my yarn stash diving. Just grab a big bundle of your odds and ends and get crocheting. Ooo, imagine the possibilities!! Oh dear, what am I like.
Ooo, I nearly forgot. I may have been working on a rather secret advent project with the incredible Abby from Orchidean Luxury Yarns, so keep an eye out for that too. It’s a goodun, I promise you! But Mums the word I am afraid.
Anyways, happy hooking. Keep warm and have fun with the run up to, dare I say it – CHRISTMAS! Ekk!