Year of the Stitches – Week 10 Half Treble Stitch

Week 10 – Half Treble Stitch 

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

For all those mothers out there – I salute you! For all those who are about to be mothers or want to be mothers – I wish you the best of luck. And for those very unfortunate ones who have lost their mothers, I send you so much love and know that you will be holding all your memories close to your hearts today!

Mother’s Day is one of those days where we all seem to be in a world of love and flowers! Our mothers are so terribly precious to us. They come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing is for certain, they all have one thing in common – their love for their children. It is a love that you can’t quite describe. It comes over you like a tonne of bricks in that split moment that you find out that you are going to be a mother. A sudden desire to protect and to love this little person is unimaginable! Each mother and child bond is different and will show their love to each other in different ways.

My own mother is a remarkable lady. She is definitely one of a kind. She is kind and generous and so thoughtful. My dear Mum, I wish she knew how much she means to me. She has always been there for me. And now I feel we share a bond that has grown over the years, oh and a serious love for wool!! Mum came back from her hols the other day. She managed to persuade Dad to take a detour on their route home to the wonderful BlackSheep shop. Apparently it’s an incredible haven of wool, with bundles of yummy yarn all over the place!! I haven’t been yet, but it is definitely on my ‘needs must’ visit list!! It sounds incredible!! She loved showing me her little bundles of yumminess the other day! And I even got a few sneaky individual balls for my blanket! Yey!! Mum, love you always, love you forever!

My mother-in-law is another incredible person. She has known me since I was 16 and means so much to me too. I will never forget when my daughter was little, she gave me a piece of advice that I have endeavoured to follow. She said ‘the right way, isn’t always the easy way’. It is so true! Parenthood is definitely a fun ride with lots of fun along the way. Thank you for all you do. You are so very very special to us!!! Love you always.

We’ve spent the day at Calke Abbey, which is a wonderful National Trust place. It has a super house you can visit and the gardens are particularly great. There are tunnels that you can go through and explore!! The kids love them! There’s even a grotto to make a wish in!! I think my Dad just loved all the old trees!!! Definitely a place to visit if you’re in the area.

My daughter is always a fan of a good old map!! She loves showing us the way to go!! Bless.

So whatever you do today, I hope you all have a wonderful day with your families.

Well hello to the warmer weather too. Goodness it was cold last week, wasn’t it. So pleased to finally have some warmer days. I don’t know if you do, but I can’t crochet if my hands are cold!! It’s all about the layers isn’t it!! This week seems to have flown by!! (I’m sure I say that each week, but it has!!!) I do have a little confession to make. Now I know most of you will understand this, but others may think we were bonkers! I may have sat on a bench, with my lovely crocheting friend outside our local yarn shop – Knittique!!! We were waiting for it to open!! To be fair, it was a nice day, bar being rather chilly! I think the shop owners may have thought we were a bit bonkers!! They have some lovely yarn in their shop and luckily for me, a huge range of sublime merino wool, which as you all know, I love!! Hmm, ok so I also may have gone back the next day too with another crocheting friend!! Haha!!! What am I like!! Let it be noted, I will never say no to a trip to a yarn shop!!

So this week I have chosen a simple but very useful stitch. Some of you will have already used it many times in lots of projects, but as it’s such a great stitch I thought it had to feature in the blanket. Now because last weeks stitch was a shell stitch, it left a curved edge. So we need to use a few different stitches in row 1, to create our straight edge again. Then rows 2 -4 are our new htr (half treble) stitches.


Chain (ch) – To make a chain stitch, make a slip knot on your hook and then place the yarn over your hook and pull through the loop. Repeat this action to make a row of stitches.

Double Crochet (dc) – Insert the hook through the stitch, front to back, then yarn over hook and pull back through stitch. You will have two loops on your hook. Then yarn over your hook and pull through both loops.

Treble (tr) – To make a treble crochet, firstly yarn over your hook, insert through space/stitch, yarn over your hook, pull back through space/stitch. There should now be 3 loops on your hook. Then yarn over hook and pull through the first two loops, yarn over hook and pull through the last two loops.

Double Treble Stitch (dtr) – A double treble is quite a tall stitch. So yarn over hook twice, insert hook through the stitch/space and then yarn over hook again. Now pull the yarn through the stitch. There will now be 4 loops on the hook. Now place the yarn over the hook and pull through the first 2 loops. Then yarn over the hook again and pull through the next two loops. Haha, now place the yarn over the hook again and pull through the last 2 loops. Phew! It’s a bit of a long process, but a lovely stitch with the height that it gives.

Half treble (htr) – A half treble crochet is basically one less movement than a treble. So yarn over hook, insert through space/stitch, yarn over hook, pull back through space/stitch. There should be 3 loops on your hook. Then yarn over hook and pull through all 3 loops.


So again you need to choose a double knit yarn of any kind. I have chosen a fantastic purple colour from the fantastic sublime range. It’s a bright beautiful colour and is definitely one of my daughter’s and my favourite colours. The colour reminds me of a beautiful flower I found in Cornwall this time last year. It was our first family holiday together as a four, so definitely a holiday I won’t forget. The colour of these flowers were just gorgeous and with the back drop of the sea, was quite a sight!!


You roughly need about 30g. Don’t forget your scissors and blunt ended tapestry needle. And of course your 4mm crochet hook.

Ok so here we go …

1 – Ok so first things first we need to get back to a straight edge on our blanket. So to do this we need to work a few different stitches that have different heights. So start off by joining your new yarn through the chain space and chain 4 stitches. Then work 1dtr into the same stitch. We used this stitch in week 5, but if you are unsure, just check the stitches information above.

Now work 1 tr into the next 2 stitches.

Then work 1htr into the next 5 stitches. A htr is a half treble crochet. It’s basically one less movement than a treble. So yarn over your hook, insert through the stitch, yarn over hook, pull back through stitch. There should be 3 loops on your hook. Then yarn over hook and pull through all 3 loops.

Ok so now we need to work *1dtr into the chain 1 space. Now work 1tr into the next stitch, then work 1htr into the next 5 stitches, then 1tr into the next stitch. * Repeat ** across the row.

In the last chain space work 1dtr but then also work 1tr into the same space. This will make our stitch count up to 210.

2 – Ok so in this second row we are now going to start the half trebles stitches. So first of all turn your work and chain 2. This will give you the height for a half treble stitch. Now work 1htr in the same stitch. So to do this yarn over hook, insert through sstitch, yarn over hook, pull back through stitch. There should be 3 loops on your hook. Then yarn over hook and pull through all 3 loops.

Now work 1 htr in each of the stitches across the row. (210)

In the last stitch in the row, work 1htr. (210)

3 – For this row you are going to repeat row 2. So turn your work and chain 2. Then work 1htr in the same stitch. Then work 1htr in each stitch across the row.

It is such a simple, yet versatile stitch. And quick to work as well.

Once you get to the end, work 1htr in the last stitch to complete the row. (210)

4 – And once again you are repeating row 2. So turn your work and chain 2. Then work 1htr in the same stitch. Then work 1htr in each stitch across the row.

So complete the row by working 1tr in the last stitch and fastening off. Don’t forget to sew in your ends. (210)


And voila, your half treble stitch rows are complete. And we have also worked a lovely flat row ready for our next weeks stitch. I hope you have enjoyed this weeks instalment of Year of the Stitches. Any questions, just shout and I will try to help best I can.

Have a lovely rest of your Mother’s day.

Happy hooking!!


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Year of the Stitches – Week 9 Shell Network

Week 9 – Shell Network 

Well what a week!!! Crikey!!! Can’t get over this weather. It’s been bonkers hasn’t it! Slipper socks are being worn with fleece & normal socks in this house!! I think it’s the wind more than anything!! Felt like we were in a blizzard after school the other day.

My daughter had a snow day on Friday which was great. So nice to just chill. We ended up making her little fairy garden with some hyacinths that my Dad gave me. It’s amazing how much a little girl can fit into one plant pot!! I would have loved this as a child. I remember playing with little figurines in the hedges at school on the playing field. We used to imagine there was a whole mini world in there! We would make little slides and homes for them! It was such fun. My daughter keeps adding things to hers, think we might need a second plant pot.

Have you all managed to get out in the snow? We’ve managed some sledging with family which was great and a lovely walk round the back of our house. Thankfully, no snowball fights! Not sure why, but i’m really not a fan of them!! It’s just so cold and it just hurts too much.

I wonder when these guys will make an appearance this year in our gardens?!?! Can’t wait to see their beautiful colours dotted around. I really hope this weather hasn’t killed them all off. Here’s hoping they will sprout their sunny little heads soon.

So this has been a week of slipper socks!! I’ve managed to make some for my Mum for Mother’s Day which I hope she’ll like, but then my daughter saw the colour of the wool & put in a desperate request for some too. I hadn’t made a children’s version of the pattern, but knew I needed to at some point! So challenge set and I am very happy to say that challenge was completed.

3 and half hours later and these little beauties were produced!! So chuffed! I hid them in our bedroom for her find! I can’t tell you how excited she was!!! She hasn’t taken them off!! Bless her!! I’m definitely going to create a pattern now for children’s sizes.

So this week I have chosen quite a delicate stitch called Shell Network. A shell stitch is another one of those cluster stitches that we’ve used before but it gives a fan like texture and the network part is because the fan is contained in an open column. It’s used quite a lot in baby clothes and blankets, because of its delicate open nature. So it’s made up of chains and treble stitches, rather than one special stitch. I hope you are going to enjoy this one. The only thing I would say to you is watch your count, you kind of need to concentrate a bit more on this stitch as it’s quite easy to miss part of the stitch and then get in a pickle in the next row!!


Chain stitch (ch) – To make a chain, place the yarn over the hook then pull it through the loop on your hook.

Treble (tr) – To make a treble crochet, firstly yarn over your hook, insert through space/stitch, yarn over your hook, pull back through space/stitch. There should now be 3 loops on your hook. Then yarn over hook and pull through the first two loops, yarn over hook and pull through the last two loops.


Right so this week I have chosen a beautiful delicate pale blue colour and once again it’s from the marvellous Sublime yarn range. It’s such a beautiful colour. It’s an ice blue colour for all the snow and ice that’s been keeping us company this week!! (It definitely couldn’t be a bright colour this week, could it!!) I have used about 30/40g of this DK yarn, but you can use any kind of DK yarn you wish. You will need your 4mm hook, scissors and blunt ended tapestry needle.

Ok so here we go …

1 – Right then so first of all chain 4 (This counts as 1tr & ch1.) Then work 1tr into the next stitch.

So now miss 2 stitches and work 5tr stitches in the next stitch. (Don’t forget to check the stitch information above if you are unsure of how to make a treble stitch.)

Now miss 2 stitches and work 1tr in the next stitch, then chain 1, miss a stitch and work 1 more treble stitch.

Ok so now *miss 2 stitches, work 5tr in the next stitch, miss 2 stitches, work 1tr, chain 1, miss a stitch and work 1 more tr stitch into the new room stitch.* Repeat ** across the row.

When you get to the end of the row, work your last 5tr stitches and then you should have 5 stitches left.

So miss 2 stitches, work 1tr, then chain 1, miss a stitch and work 1tr into the last stitch. This completes the first row. (211)

2 – Ok so now turn your work and crochet 4 chain stitches. (This count as your first tr and 1ch stitch.) Then work 1tr into the next stitch. Now once again miss 2 stitches and work 5tr into the next stitch. (This is the top of the fan of stitches from the row below.)

Now *miss 2 stitches and work 1tr. Then chain 1, miss a stitch then work 1tr into the next stitch. Then miss 2 stitches and work 5tr into the next stitch.* Repeat ** across the whole row. Once you get to the end, as before finish off by working 1tr, chain 1, and work 1tr in the last chain space. (There isn’t a stitch to miss here like before!) (211)


3 – Ok so we’re now on the last row. Can you see the columns network appearing from your stitches? Right so once again start off with 4 chain stitches. (This counts as your first 1tr and chain 1 stitch.) Now miss a stitch a work 1 tr in the next stitch.

*Now miss 2 stitches and work 5 tr in the next stitch. Ok so as before miss 2 stitches and work 1tr. Then miss a stitch, chain 1 and then work 1tr in the next stitch.* Repeat ** across the row.

Once you get to the end of your row and you have worked your last fan of 5tr stitches, miss 2 stitches, work 1tr, chain 1, miss a stitch and work 1 tr in the last chain space. Now fasten off and sew in both your ends. (211)

And there you have it. The wonderful shell network! Such a decorative stitch and so versatile. I really hope you’ve enjoyed this weeks stitch.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend. Keep warm and stay safe.

Happy hooking!



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