Yeah ok, so I know that seems a little weird and you are probably thinking that I am a little bonkers. But it is totally true. Ok, let me explain.
Many of you know that I love a good waiting room crochet. I can’t help it. I am in a waiting room, everyone else is on their phones surfing the net and what do I do, I crochet. (Well, knit now too, mainly socks! Love knitting socks!) But yeah, I am usually crocheting. For me it is a little moment in time, where I can’t do any washing or put the dinner on or any work – just crochet! So every opportunity I have, I take.
Now, my latest waiting room moment, was for a new set of tyres for my car. Not the kind of place that you would find many fellow crocheters, but alas, I was there and I had half an hour to spare. There was only me, my crochet hook, Abby’s gorgeous advent yarn and the guy behind the desk. So a few moments went by of crocheting heaven & all of a sudden the guy behind the desk asks if I am knitting. I reply that it is crocheting and that it is a little different to knitting. Well that was it, he was off, asking all sorts of questions about how I did it, did I sell my work, how long does it take. Crazy! He found PipsRainbow on his computer and was rather impressed. Couldn’t believe it really. I was so taken a back. I have had a few people talk to me about it before and how their grannie used to crochet or such like. But never someone who was so intrigued by PipsRainbow itself. He then started telling me about the NFTs and how they worked. Now I can safely say that I have never heard of this term before. So as always, wiki to the rescue:
Non-fungible token
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded.[1] Types of NFT data units may be associated with digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. Because each token is uniquely identifiable, NFTs differ from blockchain cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.
Apparently this is something that I really should look into. I’m still rather confused by what it all means, but I can safely say that I am looking into it. Bless the guy, he wrote it all down for me and explained who to follow. So I am to report back, next time the truck needs new tyres as to how I am getting on. Haha, it’s like having homework.
Tell you what though, it really made me realise, how we can pass people in streets, sit next to them in waiting rooms and never speak or even make eye contact. Yet we get out a ball of wool and a crochet hook and we can have a half an hour conversation with a complete stranger, who proceeds to give you advice for your website and creations. Wow. It really took me by surprise. What a genuine human being he was. He made me feel like PipsRainbow really mattered. Interesting that a guy that I haven’t met before, can give me a bit of a much needed boost of confidence and belief in what I do. And at the end of the day, when we are striped back to our basics as humans, all we really need and want, is to just have a little chat with someone. It totally made my day! So moral of my little story is:
1 – Crochet can totally talk! See, it obviously sent intrigiuing signals to the guy at the garage.
2 – Totally put down your phone every once in a while and just have a chat with a complete stranger. You never know, you might make their day too!
And on that note, it’s time to walk my little pup.
Happy Hooking Chaps.
Have a great weekend.