I’m not sure how and when the world of crocheting started to be so popular!! But it seems to be everywhere now!! It’s great!! I spoke to two lovely people today about crocheting and another asked me to do a craft fair with my crocheting. Who’d have thought!! When I first started, I didn’t know anybody that could crochet. I had my lovely family of knitters; Mum, Grannie & Nanna. But there were no crocheters at all. I think my Gran’s sister used to crochet lace, but I didn’t get to see any of her work unfortunately. So it was all quite new to me.
A wonderful thing about crocheting, is how widespread it is. There are so many different areas for you to explore and create. To name but a few, we have keen blanket makers, toy producers and crocheted clothing. I think I’m an allrounder crocheter, as I love to do a bit of everything. But one of my main loves are mandalas.
I will never forget the first time I came across them. I remember going into our local sewing shop & seeing these beautiful crocheted mandalas on the counter. They sat there in all their glory, with their beautiful colours & different stitches. They just stood out so much and were so tactile!! Each time I went in, I was in awe of them. At the time, I was doing quite a lot of sewing & knitting – slipper socks mainly. My knitted slipper socks are my Grannie’s special pattern. I have promised her that I will keep making them for the family, as she is unable to now. Luckily everyone has a rather large supply, so I’ve got sometime yet. I wonder if I could find a way of crocheting the same pattern. I’d be so much quicker at them!! There’s a thought!!

Anyways, my heart was set on crocheting one and it was only a matter of time before my dear sewing shop did a mandala workshop!! I was there, hook at the ready!! I made my first one in the two hour workshop & then came home and made another for my dear Nanna-in-law who had just moved into a home. Looking at this, I’d forgotten that I’d actually managed to add more rounds to make it bigger. Once it was finished, I waltzed round proud as punch with it & she loved it, bless her. It was on her bedside table from that day on.

Overtime I have made many mandalas for some very special people! Mostly for the lovely ladies, but the men did get some for the mini cactus desk plants for Father’s Day. One Christmas, I even made Christmas mandalas with a jar of homemade chutney. There was a serious lot of ends to weave in, but worth it!! They were well received.

I think it’s the endless possibilities of them that I love. We did realise, that they actually make the most amazing indoor frisbees. They can move quite quickly if you give them a good flick with the wrist!!!
I did have a go at designing one myself. As the main one I have been using is from the wonderful Lucy at Attic24. It’s the one I learnt with first, so it’s the one I stuck with as I knew I could whip one up quite quickly. I liked how I can adapt it and easily add a few extra rounds to make it bigger.
Here’s one I have designed for my sister in law’s teapot. It has quite a nice wavy edge to it. Think it needs quite a bit of tweaking though, before it’s ready for you guys!! But it’s definitely on the to do list!!! My list seems to be getting longer by the minute!!!

Heyho. Guessing it’s all about priorities!! Hmmm, now is it housework or crocheting today!! The big question I ask myself most days when the little man is asleep!! It’s always a tricky one!!
Happy hooking,
🌈 Xx