Waiting Rooms

Well hello my lovely ones. How are we all? It’s a cold, wet and grim day here. Definitely a day that you need to stay in as much as possible. I’ve just managed a yoga class. I haven’t been in ages, so you can imagine that it definitely woke up some of my joints!! I have a funny feeling they won’t be happy later. Ouch! Oh well. Definitely important to keep the old dodgy joints ticking over. That’s always my excuse for crocheting and knitting so much – it keeps my hands warm and working!! Haha!!

How is everyone’s yarny projects going? I seem to have quite a lot of WIP’s at the minute. But really trying to finish some of them, so that I only have a few on the go at the same time. It’s definitely not a problem to have a few different ones on the go. I like to keep small, easy projects, that I can take with me for every eventuality. This is usually a pair of knitted socks. It’s so small, that it can fit in your pocket. So always have a pair on the go. Another slightly bigger project that goes with me, is my Around the World Cowl from the gorgeous yarn club from For the Love of Yarn. https://fortheloveofyarn.co.uk/

It’s 4ply yarn again and it’s at the beginning stages, so definitely one to fit in my bag on trips out. It’s coming along nicely and I hope to share the pattern soon.

I had one of those magical moments with it yesterday. It was actually the first time this has ever happened to me, which is a shame, but I am hoping it won’t be the last. I went to the hospital for my regular bloods and it was absolutely rammed. It’s usually only a waiting space of one corridor, but this stretched out to 3 corridors and 2 waiting rooms. Must remember, Monday is not a good day to go!! I did get a seat, so got myself comfy for a long wait with my Around the World Cowl happily being worked on my lap. But then there was an old couple that couldn’t sit together, so I jumped up to offer my seat. (As any normal human being would do!) But then as I roamed the corridors in hope of another seat, there she was. This lovely lady crocheting a blue flower blanket for one of her daughters! Well, the speed in which I sat down and started chatting, may have come across as a little alarming, but hey, I was a little bit excited and realised I wasn’t a crazy lady as soon as I got my crocheting out! In all my time of waiting rooms, I have never seen or sat by anyone crocheting! I am usually the one that gets the slightly funny looks or the questions as to what are you making. And how their gran used to crochet and they never learnt. So we wallowed away nearly an hour of yarny chatting before it was her turn to go in. It was so lovely. Her name was Ann and she’d been knitting for years, but learnt to crochet recently and even taught a couple of her friends too! She did put me to shame though. I had only got my small ball of wool with me and if I had been waiting much longer, I would have run out of crocheting. (Ekk, a shiver just ran down my spine!! Imagine that!) The lady on the other hand, had 3 other little balls of wool in her bag on the off chance that she might run out!! I felt very unprepared, which doesn’t come naturally to me. So in true Ann style, I think I may need to check myself in future and ensure that when you are out and about crocheting or knitting and definitely in a waiting room on a Monday, that – YOU DON’T RUN OUT OF WOOL!!

On other news, I have been having a little go on my sewing machine. I bought a box of canvas offcuts from Nu at Hide and Hammer. https://hideandhammer.co.uk/ She pops them on her website every so often, as she never throws anything away, it’s a great idea for others to use it. As some of you have seen I made these little pouches last week.

The iced bag one has been great attached to my drinks bottle for the gym. It houses my AirPod case and car keys. And phone too, if I’m not using it.

The mustard oil skin has housed my little The Yarn Badger Advent sock set that I am working on at the moment.

So I reckoning I could definitely make a few more. My son wants some for his lego and bits for when we go out. So that will be a little project. I am hoping to make myself a little knitted needle roll, which I have in the past made for my Mum. But I think my one might have to wait. Too many things to do. Too little time to do it! We shall see. I have invested in a little leather foot for my machine is great.

It’s so easy to go around corners and a great way to sew very near to an edge. Would highly recommend getting one for your own machine if you can. I bet you could use it for all sorts of things.

Well on that note I had better say my fair wells. I will be posting up the new Around the World Cowl pattern up for anyone that would like to make one. It’s a 5 stitch repeat, worked up in a circle. I am using 5 different colours each month from the Around the World Club from Lisa at For the Love of Yarn, but you can use any colour combo that you like.

I also have a little Easter crochet project coming out too! It’s another one of my Egglebert family! So hope you like the new addiction!

Anyways. Hope everyone has great days.
Happy hooking!
🌈 Xx

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Knitted Rainbow Blanket

Oh me, oh my… it’s finally here. My first ever PipsRainbow knitted pattern. So excited to share this with you all. I have knitted for so many years, but never thought I would have the confidence to write one down on here! I think I spoke before about how I seem to be sharing my time a little more between knitting and crocheting. I seem to crave more time with both of them and feel that both are a joy to do and create with. I never thought I would design with knitting though, but have loved creating this one and really hope I can design more.

So without further ado, let’s get stuck in. Now my little blanket (well not so little) is created using the utterly gorgeous club yarn from my Geodes and Gems club from For the Love of Yarn

Lisa’s colours are just out of this world. Each lovely monthly parcel comes with a gorgeous bundle of yarn, including 5 x 20gs of yarn all blended from one colour that is based on a gorgeous gem or geode and a little stitch marker to match. So pleased I was lucky enough to sign up to this one. Definitely needed to create something that would do it justice.

I choose the Yak Base for my yarn, I’m so pleased I did. Gives the colour such a richness and is so deliciously soft. I can imagine I will have my lot fighting over who gets to snuggle under this blanket.

As many of you know, I do not sell my patterns, but ask for a donation, however small, to support one of our incredible charities. For this pattern, I will be supporting the wonderful charity CLDF – Children’s Liver Disease Foundation. This is a charity that is close to the heart of Lisa from For the Love of Yarn and her family and I feel truly honoured that I can help and support the charity in anyway I can. Here is the link to my Just Giving page to support CLDF.

Children’s Liver Disease Foundation – Just Giving Page

Thank you so much for your support, it is very much appreciated.

It’s pattern time

Now as this is a KAL, the complete blanket will be completed at the end of the year. (I still have November and December to come.) The blanket will consist of 12 sections of 5 different stitches. I will use 12 sets of 5 x gradient colours from my Geodes and Gems Club. The colours are so gorgeous & blend so beautifully. I can’t wait to see it finished! As the club is ongoing I will add the finished pattern on here, once I have completed the blanket in early January. But all you need to get started is on this sumptuous blanket, is here.

Right so let’s get started…


12 x 5 sets of 20g skeins of DK Geodes and Gems Club yarn from For the Love of Yarn


5mm x 100cm Circular Sock Needles


Scissors and Darning Needle for ends.


18 stitches and 25 rows to 10 cm / 4 ins measured.

Finished Size –

155cm wide by 140cm height. (Perfect snuggle size)

Abbreviations –

k: Knit

p: Purl

SL1pw: Slip 1 stitch purl wise (slip – the first stitch (next stitch on the left-hand needle) on to the the right-hand needle purlwise, as if to knit.)

yf: Yarn to the front

yb: Yarn to the back

RS: Right side

Stitches –

The blanket uses 5 stitches – Fleck Stitch, Double Moss Stitch, Garter Stitch, Texture Stitch and Moss Stitch. They are worked in this order and are repeated 12 times to complete the blanket. Each of these stitches are a multiple of 2 plus 1, thus why they work so well together.

Cast On:

Using a loose cast on method, cast on 201 stitches and turn.

Stitch 1 – Fleck Stitch

Row 1 – (RS) Knit each stitch, turn.

Row 2 – Purl each stitch, turn.

Row 3 – K1, [p1, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 4 – Purl each stitch, turn.

Row 5 – Knit each stitch, turn.

Row 6 – Purl each stitch, turn, fasten off.

Stitch 2 – Double Moss Stitch

Row 1 – (RS) K1, [p1, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 2 – P1, [k1, p1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 3 – P1, [k1, p1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 4 – K1, [p1, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 5 – P1, [k1, p1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 6 – K1, [p1, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Stitch 3 – Garter Stitch

Rows 1 – 6 Starting with the RS. Knit each stitch, turn.

Stitch 4 – Texture Stitch

Row 1 – (RS) Purl each stitch, turn.

Row 2 – Purl each stitch, turn.

Row 3 – K1, [yf, SL1pw, yb, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 4 – Purl each stitch, turn.

Row 5 – K1, [yf, SL1pw, yb, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Row 6 – Purl each stitch, turn.

Stitch 5 – Moss Stitch

Rows 1 – 6 Starting with the RS, K1, [p1, k1] repeat to end, turn.

Now repeat the process from stitch 1 to stitch 5, until you have used all 12 sets of colours. So there will be 12 sections of colour.

Then it will be time to cast off and sew in all your ends and block your blanket.

As I said before, I will share the full pattern again at the end of the year, once I have completed the club and blanket. I really hope you have enjoyed this pattern. I know I have loved creating and designing this blanket and I know in time, I hope to bring many more knitted patterns to be shared on my little PipsRainbow.

Here’s the link to Lisa’s website, for any of you lovely lot that would love a peek of her gorgeous yarns. For the Love of Yarn

Don’t forget to share all your creations and tag me in. If you have any questions or queries, just give us a shout. 

Happy stitching.


(Don’t forget that this pattern is brought to you from PipsRainbow, it has not been tech edited, but all attempts have been made to ensure it is correct and easy to follow. It is only to be used for personnel use only and not to be shared or used to create items for profit. Thank you.)

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