One week down… I wonder how many to go?

The birds are still flying in the sky. Trees are blowing in the wind. The sun is out. Lambs are being born in the fields. And there’s sunny little yellow daffodils beaming at the world around them. And yet there is a distinct lack of people out and about. And the noise of our surroundings, is a little bit odd and some what eerie!! The roads are quiet, no kids are in the park and there’s a very strange queue outside most supermarkets! Scary and sad times.

Oh my, what a difference a month can make or even a week for that matter. This time last month, we had just come back from an amazing ski holiday. We had a few days back at school and I think if I can remember correctly, I was struggling to get all the housework done. Wow! Definitely not worrying about the housework now. Can’t quite believe how quick our lives have changed! How my head is filled with so many different thoughts now!

How are you all coping? I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing. I’m sorry I haven’t been on here or even social media much lately. This last week or so has been such an emotional time for everyone. Feeling decidedly overwhelmed by it all. My children have now been at home with me for a week now. Which in one sense I love, but on the other, I fear for their social interaction with their peers & emotional needs. The end of school/nursery seemed to happen so quickly for us. One minute they were going in and the next we were being sent home with PE bags and a lot of books to read. The kids didn’t seem to get what was going on at all. It was so sad. My eldest seems a lot calmer now that we have been at home for a few days. I think the fear of it all and being at school was getting a bit much. Children are so adaptable aren’t they. Much better than us. Our life changes & we all go to pot, where as the kids just seem to accept it and off they go. Bless them.

Today was the end of our first full week as our little unit. We managed the Joe Wicks PE routine every day. Which was rather hilarious!

I’m pleased no-one was watching. My daughter was doing rather well, but my son on the other hand is a little too young & keeps trying to tackle us & give us big hugs! Always slightly scary when you are attempting some manoeuvres that your body isn’t usually used to, in your living room, in your slippers with 2 children laughing at you and then one suddenly running at you for a hug. So yeah… It’s been fun! Lots of cuppas needed at times like this me thinks.

We’ve started getting lots of jobs done in the house. Amazing when your whole world seems to be existing in 4 walls, you have a sense of sort city!! I seem to be zooming through the house like some kind of steam train. It was my daughter’s room yesterday and the playroom today! I’m amazed how it all gets into such a muddle so quickly!! I’ve challenged my daughter to sort all of the playmobil toys back into their own little groups! Could take a while. (Good job I kept all the instructions!)

I think with us all being in the house so much, it’s even more important than ever that we keep it a bit more ship shape. (Easier said that done.) I think it’s a sense of not being able to work with the kids and set up activities when it’s a mess. Well that’s the plan anyway. It seems to be brushing off on my husband too. Last seen 8pm on Thursday night, painting skirting boards in the hall! Love him!!

I do worry about our little minds after all this time in isolation! I reckon I am definitely showing signs of hobbitness!! It’s worrying! Now for those of you who know me, I always joke about how I am becoming a hobbit, because we live in The Shire and literally only seem to leave once in a blue moon. On a usual (not lockdown) day to day basis, in the week I only tend to leave my home town for one thing. And that’s only 10 minutes away in the car. Everything else, bar swimming & the gym, is pretty much in walking distance! I spend most of my time on foot and will always bump into someone that I know! So now that we are all in lockdown, the likelihood of hobbitness has increased by 10 fold!! Haha. Oh and it’s gonna get a whole lot worse isn’t it.

Now, in my little Hobbit world, I would always visit Bore Street Bakery, twice a week for our weekly bread.

Now due to Coronavirus and the government rulings, they have made the sad decision to shut their doors until the foreseeable future. Properly gutted for them, but I know when they reopen, we will be there with bells on!!

But as a result of this, I find myself in situation where I need to make our own bread. Now this isn’t a problem, as I have made sourdough before. My mother-in-law very kindly made me and a few other family members a starter for our sourdough. Attempt one was made on Friday, but I think my poor little starter hadn’t worked properly and it needed some TLC. Since then, I seem to have been trying to nurse it back to life and have been seen carrying it around the house, trying to find the perfect spot for it to sit and get better.

I keep researching how to help it & trying new ways! Honestly, you would think it’s a little baby, the way I have been nursing it back to health. Oh dear! Maybe the hobbitness has kicked in already!! Fingers crossed the next loaf will be more of a success than this one!!!

And we are definitely missing our yummy coffees from the wonderful Debs at Melbourne Cafe. I think there are quite a few dogs missing their regular trips to her coffee shop. I follow her on instagram and the amount of little dogs that are sitting on Melbourne’s door step waiting to go in. So sad that they are shut too. Missing all our usual places to go. My purple flask hasn’t been used for ages!!

My daughter is definitely coping better now, than last week. She seems to be bimbling around the house quite happy. I found her the other day writing in her diary about the lock down. We had asked her to write a little a day, but knew it might be a big ask. But she has been siting every morning and filling it in. Definitely think it will help her with all the emotions she is feeling. Must be so scary for her.

On Thursday evening, the whole of Britain came out of their doors, windows & balconies to clap and show appreciation for the NHS. It’s was so emotional. I got my daughter out of bed. She was really taken with it. I think someone was even hitting a saucepan with a wooden spoon near us and there was some definite fireworks being let off. To all who work in the NHS, for your role, however big or small, we salute you! From the bottom of our hearts!

As it is early days, we haven’t quite got a routine on the go as to what we will do. I know some of my friends have devised timetables and home schooling routines, but for me it is a time for readjustment at first. A time to get used to being in the house so much for a start. As my loved ones all know, my dear husband has always got itchy feet, so we would always be out that door on Saturday morning, off on a bike ride or adventure somewhere. So to be told to stay in the house & not go & explore, has been a bit of a game changer.

So I’ve devised this system for our activities. All you need are 2 jars, some coloured paper, a pen and some scissors.

And all I did was cut up strips of coloured paper and popped a challenge or an activity on each. So we have a challenge jar and a fun activity jar. So the challenge one, is basically all the work that her school has set for her broken down individually & a few more from me & her tutor. I thought it was the best way to do it, rather than me just telling her what to do & when.

She was sooooo excited when I gave her the jars. It definitely had the desired effect! Yey!! Much better than nagging. So each challenge achieved, she gets a gold star on a chart. It’s definitely growing, so we’re winning on the school work front. And the best part is, she doesn’t really realise she’s doing it! The other jar has lots of fun activities that they both can do. I tried to think of all the activities that we can do in the house like craft activities, or things in the garden. There’s even Lego challenges in there. Can’t beat a spot of legoing! Think for us the old school way of teaching through learning and activities is best for us. Can’t beat a spot of maths, whilst making a cake!!

And a little bit of quilt making AKA Design Technology Lesson!

Heyho. It’s all go isn’t it. I can safely say that crocheting and knitting is so important right now. I think one of the main benefits to crocheting is the ability to loose ones self in it & be distracted by it. With everything that is going on & the worry that people are having to endure, it’s good to have a distraction plan in place. And especially one that you can enjoy the snuggly yarny products after too!!

Well, I‘m hoping to be on here as much as I can. I know my little ones are going to take up quite a lot of my time, but hoping to find little moments for my crocheting. I have plans for more video tutorials & simple patterns for you to follow. So watch this space. It’s so important to have a little escapism with all this fear and worry in the world and crocheting (and a spot of running.) is definitely mine.

Stay Home. Stay Safe!!

Happy hooking my lovely ones.

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Mr and Mrs Turtle

Well, the end of our lovely summer holiday is finally here and our little rainbowbods are going to be starting back into their new academic years. We’ve had an absolute ball this summer and we are definitely not ready to get back into normalness again! Boohoo!! I’m feeling decidedly wobbly about next week and the new chapters that my two are starting out on. I know they have to spread their wings and fly, but boy how I have loved having them under my wing for 6 weeks. Just the best.

I think our summer has mainly consisted of – beaches, the sea, body boarding, waves, bbq’s, bike rides, family walks, friends, baking, swimming, day dreaming, playing, parks, cuppas, a serious amount of ice creams, cakes, curries, Reading, weaving, loom bands, braids, camping in a caravan, National Trust trips, Bore Street Bakery trips, Toy Story 4 and obviously a rather large amount of crocheting. I don’t reckon we could have fitted much else in!

Now there are four little fellas that will help us remember the Summer of 2019 and here they are.

You’ve obviously met Paddy and Ivey, so now I would like to introduce you to Boo and Flip. Boo (second from the left) is a very proud Daddy of his two little squirts. He is always finding new adventures that they can all go on and keeps them on their toes with excitement. Flip (second from the right) is the Mummy turtle. She loves keeping them all close, under her flipper, but will always be up for any adventure that Boo has concocted up!! She is always by his side, following him in whatever path he takes. Two hearts as one, having lots and lots of fun.

So this is the free pattern for the two parent turtles, but if you want to make the little brother and sister, Paddy and Ivey too, you can either find the pattern in the pattern list or follow the link below. Happy hooking!

Level – Easy

Supplies –

Right then, supplies. As this is a Using Up Year pattern, I have used lots of odds and ends to make my little turtles. Each little turtle uses a total of 90g of double knit yarn, so that will give you a rough idea of how much you will need.

(Also, quick tip, if you have lots of 4ply that you want to use up, you can always work 2 strands together to create a double knit weight yarn. I did this for Mr Turtle. It’s a great way to use up yarn.

You will also need a 3mm crochet hook, some scissors, toy stuffing, a piece of different coloured yarn for a stitch marker and a blunt ended tapestry needle to sew all your ends in. And don’t forget a pair of safety eyes, if you want to use them and some black yarn for the eyebrows and mouth.

I think these two are enjoying a snuggle in the garden. A mummy and daughter relationship is so special.

Hmmm, these two seem to be up to something?!?! I wonder what rascalliness can a Daddy and son create?!?

Stitches –

Magic Ring (mr) – For a magic ring, make a loop with the yarn, leaving a tail. (Make sure the tail is under the working yarn.) Now insert your hook into the loop, from the front to the back. Wrap the working yarn around your hook and pull the yarn through and pull tight to create a ring.

If you are unsure, here’s a little video on how to make a Magic Ring.

Slip stitch (ss) – This is where there is no height to the stitch. It’s usually used to join rounds. So insert the hook into the front of the stitch you are joining to. This is usually the first stitch you made in that round/row. So yarn over hook and pull through that first stitch then also through the loop on your hook.

Double Crochet (dc) – Insert the hook through the stitch, front to back, then yarn over hook and pull back through stitch. You will have two loops on your hook. Then yarn over your hook and pull through both loops.

Double Crochet Decrease (2dctog) – This is where you crochet two stitches together to decrease the amount of stitches in the round. So insert the hook through the front of the first stitch only (the front V) and then insert again through the front of the second stitch (the front V). Now yarn over your hook and pull it back through both stitches, so you will then have 2 loops on your hook. Yarn over your hook again and pull through both loops. And there is your 2dctog. (Basically 2 double crochet stitches crocheted together.)

If you need a quick recap on how to do these stitches and a few other snippets of Amigurumi techniques, then follow the link below. Happy watching.

Ok so here we go…


1 – Using your 3mm hook, make a magic ring, chain 1 and then work 6dc stitches into the ring. (6)

2 – *2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (12)

3 – 6 (4 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (6)

7 – *1dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (18)

8 – *2dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (24)

9 – *3dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (30)

10 – *4dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (36)

11 – 14 (4 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (36)

15 – Work 2dc in the first stitch then work 1dc in the next 17 dc stitches. Now work 2dc in next stitch, followed by 17dc stitches. (38)

16 – Work 2dc in the first stitch then work 1dc in the next 18 dc stitches. Now work 2dc in next stitch, followed by 18dc stitches. (40)

17 – Work 2dc in the first stitch then work 1dc in the next 19 dc stitches. Now work 2dc in next stitch, followed by 19dc stitches. (42)

18 – Work 2dc in first stitch then work 1dc in the next 20 dc stitches. Now work 2dc in next stitch, followed by 20dc stitches. (44)

19 – 22 (4 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (44)

23 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 20 stitches. Followed by 2dctog stitch and then 20dc stitches. (42)

24 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 19 stitches. Followed by 2dctog stitch and then 19dc stitches. (40)

25 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 18 stitches. Followed by 2dctog stitch and then 18dc stitches. (38)

26 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 17 stitches. Followed by 2dctog stitch and then 17dc stitches. (36)

27 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 16 stitches. Followed by 2dctog stitch and then 16dc stitches. (34)

28 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 15 stitches. Followed by 2dctog and then 15dc stitches. (32)

29 – 30 (2 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (32)

31 – Work 2dctog, then work 1dc in the next 14 stitches. Followed by 2dctog and then 14dc stitches. (30)

32 – Now work *3dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (24)

33 – Now work *2dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (18)

34 – Work *1dc, then 2dctog* Repeat this ** 6 times. (12)

35 – Work *2dctog* Repeat this ** 6 times. (6)

Now it’s time to fasten off, stuff your turtle’s body and then sew it up with your yarn tail.


1 – Make a magic ring, chain 1 and then work 6 dc stitches into the ring. (6)

2 – *2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (12)

3 – *1dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (18)

4 – *2dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (24)

5 – *3dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (30)

6 – *4dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (36)

7 – *5dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (42)

8 – *6dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (48)

9 – 14 (6 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (48)

15 – Now work *6dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (42)

16 – Now work *5dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (36)

17 – Now work *4dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (30)

18 – Now work *3dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (24)

19 – Now work *2dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (18)

21 – 25 (4 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (18)

Finish your head, by slip stitching into the next stitch and fasten off. Now stuff your head with your toy stuffing so that it will be ready to then sew on to your turtle’s body.

At this stage, you could attach your safety eyes. With the eyes, you need to make sure you have them in the correct place, because once you have pushed the back on. It is very hard to get them off. So keep looking and checking that you are happy. Remember the dome on the back of the safety eye faces out. This is how it stays secure on your turtle’s head.


With the shell, I have used lots of different colours. It’s a great way to use up lots of little bits of yarn and you can start new yarns at any part of each round. As this is a double knit pattern, you can even use 2 x 4ply yarns together. I love creating lots of different colour ways with this method.

1 – Make a magic ring, chain 1 and then work 6 dc stitches into the ring. (6)

2 – Work *2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (12)

3 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (12)

4 – Work *1dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (18)

5 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (18)

6 – *2dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (24)

7 – *3dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (30)

8 – *4dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (36)

9 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (36)

10 – *5dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (42)

11 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (42)

12 – *6dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (48)

13 – *7dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (54)

14 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (36)

15 – *8dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (60)

16 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (60)

17 – *9dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (66)

18 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (66)

19 – *1dc in the first stitch. Then 1dc in next. Miss a stitch then 4tr stitches in the next stitch. Then miss 2 stitches. *Repeat after the last 4tr stitches, Miss the 2 stitches and then slip stitch into the first dc stitch from the start of the round. (66)

20 – Work 1dc in each stitch, then slip stitch into the first stitch and fasten off, leaving a tail to attach the shell to the body. (66)

Front Flipper x 2

1 – Start by working 12 chain stitches, then slip stitch into the first chain to make a ring.

2 – Now work 1dc in each chain (12)

3 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (12)

4 – Work *1dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (18)

5 – *2dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (24)

6 – 7 (2 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (24)

6 – Work 2dc in the next 6 stitches. Follow this by working 1dc in the next 18 stitches. (30)

6 – Work 2dc in the next 6 stitches. Follow this by working 1dc in the next 24 stitches. (36)

7 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (36)

8 – Work 24dc stitches. Then work *2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (30)

8 – Work 18dc stitches. Then work *2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (24)

8 – Work 12dc stitches. Then work *2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (18)

9 – Work 6dc stitches. Then work *2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (12)

10 – Work *2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (6)

Now slip stitch into the next stitch and fasten off. Leave the tail quite long, so you can use the tail to sew the leg onto the body.

Back Flipper x 2 –

1 – Start by working 8 chain stitches then slip stitch into the first chain to make a ring.

2 – Work 1dc in each chain. (8)

3 – Now work 1dc in each stitch. (8)

4 – *Work 1dc, then 2dc in the next stitch.* Repeat this ** 4 times. (12)

5 – *1dc, then 2dc into next stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (18)

6 – *2dc, then 2dc into the next stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (24)

7 – Work 1dc in each stitch. (24)

8 – *3dc, then 2dc into each stitch.* Work ** 6 times. (30)

9 – 10 (2 rounds) Work 1dc in each stitch. (30)

11 – Work 2dc in the next 6 stitches. Follow this by working 1dc in the next 24 stitches. (36)

12 – Work 2dc in the next 6 stitches. Follow this by working 1dc in the next 30 stitches. (42)

13 – Now work *5dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (36)

14 – Now work *4dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (30)

15 – Now work * 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. Then work 18 dc stitches. (24)

16 – Now work *2dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (18)

17 – Now work *1dc, then 2dctog.* Repeat this ** 6 times. (12)

18 – Work *2dctog.* Repeat this 6 times. (6)

And there we have it. Your 7 little turtle parts. Now it’s time to sew it altogether. I usually start with the head and then the front legs follows by the back legs. And finally the shell. If you would like a firm shell, you can add a little stuffing in the top of the shell before you sew it up.

Once you have sewed them all on, it’s time to use your black thread and needle to sew on your little eyebrows and mouth.

And there you have your turtle. Here’s my Daddy and Mummy turtle. Think they are attempting to play in the canal, cheeky chappies!!

I really hope you have enjoyed this pattern. Can’t wait to see all your little turtle creations. Don’t forget to share them and link me in.

For an extra special touch, you might like to do is initial the right back flipper with your black thread. Reminds me of Toy Story and all of the toys feet!

Any problems just give me a shout.

Happy hooking chaps!!!


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