Happy New Year!!
Well Happy New Year to you all!! The first weekend of 2020 has been and gone already!! Wow!! Within a blink of an eye, we are in a new year & a new decade! Goodness. Feels quite overwhelming! A new beginning, a new start!! I wonder what the next 10 years will bring. Bar feeling slightly overwhelmed by it all, I am also really excited by the yarny possibilities! What creations will be made, what patterns will be designed, who will I make for, I wonder who I can help to crochet. Ekk….
Definitely hoping to make a few video tutorials this year too!

Last year was ‘Using Up Year’, this year is going to be ‘Finishing Off Year’. I seem to have quite a few projects on the go at the moment and there are definitely a few patterns that I haven’t written up properly and shared with you yet!! And there are definitely so many Using Up patterns that I want to create! So here’s to 2020 – a year for finishing off, completion and of course some new little projects for you too! I may have a CAL in the pipe line, but will have to see how we go.
So at the end of each year, I take the time to have a look back on all of the yarny projects that I have worked on. Last year was all about The Using Up Year. The year of using little bits of yarn to create beautiful things! Well I think I accomplished a few of these. We had hats, turtles, wrist warmers, snoods, aliens, infinity scarfs, bears, unicorns, Alicorns, mandalas and few more yarny creations.
Here are some of those creations from 2019…

What a year! Wishing you all the most magical of yarny years! Thank you so so much for all your support & yarny love over this year!! I really really appreciate it!
Can’t wait to see all you wonderful creations!!!
Happy hooking all!!