Wow. Nearly half a year of homeschooling and the kids are finally back in school. The year of 2020 has definitely not panned out as planned, has it. I hope you are all well and coping with our ever changing world. I’m sorry I haven’t been on here very much. I think I just haven’t had the head space to know where to begin. I have designed and made many little projects, but haven’t had the time to write the patterns down. I’m sure that I am not the only one. Everyone has had so much to deal with and every family has had their own milestones to overcome. But I do feel that life seems to have melted and moulded into a way of life that seems to be sticking around for a while.

When my daughter went back to school last week, my body and head was not in a great place. It felt like we had been in this little protective bubble for so long and then all of a sudden someone had popped the bubble and we were out in the world, with no protective shield whatsoever. I know that the children have to go back to school and I know that it is the right thing to do, but it doesn’t make it feel any easier!!! Luckily, my daughter was super excited about going back. She was nervous, but ready. She wanted to see her friends, wanted a little bit of routine and was definitely ready to learn. We had tried our best with the homeschooling and kept up with all the lessons that the teachers had sent us, but it wasn’t easy. I think because my son is quite a bit younger, it wasn’t a case of all of us sitting at the table and ploughing through it altogether. It was a juggling act between setting up toys for the youngest, while trying to explain and set work for the eldest. And then hoping that both can get on with each activity, whilst you zoom between the two and also keep the house ticking over and some form of food on the table. You would then have the video calls to contend with and the chats at the front door and through the windows. Bonkers!!! A can safely day there has been a lot of cuppas consumed in lockdown!!

I’m proud to say that we survived it. We existed and we survived!! Woohoo! There was definitely some rather sobering lows, but alternatively there was some mega highs. It felt like you were on a Coronavirus rollercoaster. You’d be winning one day and then the next would just be one of those days where everything goes to pot!! But we coped. I just hope now that the kids can stay in school and all the safety procedures that the wonderful teachers have put in place, keep our little ones safe and well.

I think for me the hardest thing has been to not cuddle and be close to both sets of parents. I’m so used to having a hug with them, so being told you can’t, has just been awful!! So unnatural. I still haven’t been in my parents house yet. Which has definitely been tough. Heyho, it is all worth it to keep them safe and well. I think now that the kids are back too, we really have to step up the distancing again and be that little bit more careful!! Just in case.
I do feel that the time that we have all been given has definitely had its benefits. Both our children seem to have grown and blossomed. Particularly my daughter. She seems to have found herself. She is so much more confident and free spirited. She doesn’t seem to be as worried about things as much and seems to take things in her stride more. It’s like she knows herself more and maybe that she understands who she is and what she likes and wants to be. Amazing. My son also, is a lot more confident and definitely stronger in what he wants to do. His vocabulary in particular has really come on. Guessing its because he has been hanging around with his older sister for so long.

Well, whatever happens now, out lives have changed, our weekends are freer, our trips in the car are minimal and our family time has rocketed. Being together… what else could you want.
I hope that in time I can get through some of my patterns and creations so that I can share them with you. I think I will have a little more time and definitely have some more head space to concentrate on them. Think the words – watch this space are in order here.

One pattern that was important to publish, was my little face mask attachments. They sit at the back of your head, to save your ears from the mask straps. I think I made over 100 so far and are still having request for some more. Hoping they have helped a few sore ears out there.

One thing that I am really chuffed about is the fact that I have managed to teach myself how to knit socks on circular needles. I used a kit that I have bought from the incredible Abby over at Orchidean Luxury Yarns.

It consists of 4ply super soft sock yarn, a simple from the amazing Michelle at The Loveliest Yarn Company and of course the circular needles. It’s a fab little kit if anyone wants to challenge themselves.

Can’t wait to get another pair on my needles. Think I had better start some birthday and Christmas presents though, sure I can make myself another pair soon. They are a great project to take around with you too, as it’s so small. I have been known to be walking around the house with them in my pocket, just on the off chance that I may get a chance to knit a few stitches. Funny!! Does anyone else do this?
My daughter has managed to conquer crocheting and knitting over lockdown. So proud of her. She made a little granny square and a few little things for her dog toy.

And she has just started knitting on some circular needles and is making a snood for herself. How cool is that. Hope she can finish it so that she can wear it when the cooler weather comes. She has quite a way to go though.

Here’s a few little projects that I have been working on. Promise I will share the patterns soon.
A Blossom Shawl for my Mum.

A little rabbit called Hope.

Some wrist warmers for a very important Auntie.

Drop the dog toy. (Especially made for a little puppy called Douglas.)

A little owl called Hoot.

The one and only Coco.

My Seaside Shawl. I wonder when this one will be finished.

Chasing rainbows mandala.

Grannie Square video tutorial.

And finally a little pup called Crumble.

Anyways. Hope to be on here again really soon. (Promise I will get some of these patterns written.)
Stay safe everyone.
Yarny hugs to you all.