Happy New Year to you all. Well, what a year. Goodness. 2020, who’d have thought. It definitely hasn’t been the year that we all wished for. It’s been a year of change and a new way of making memories. There has been so much heartache for families and so much sorrow & worry. For all those who have lost loved ones, I send you so much love & hugs.
We have all had to make sacrifices this year. Sacrifices that we never thought we would have to make. Think the hardest one for me is not to be able to hug our parents. Before this year, you wouldn’t have believed that something like that wasn’t allowed. But as we all know, these sacrifices have to be made. Surely, surely it has and will, all be worth it. For me, the bottom line is to keep my loved ones safe. That’s all I have to cling to. And I know we will carry on making those sacrifices, as long as is needed.

When I look back, I think that 2020 has just been a year where we have had a new way of making memories. My photos show that you don’t have to be in the same room as someone, to make them smile and bring them love. How many birthdays this year have been celebrated on doorsteps! Crazy! I had a glass of Prosecco on my doorstep the other day!! How mad is that!! That was a first, but lovely all the same. It’s been a year of lockdowns and homeschooling, Zoom calls and Joe Wicks workouts, Video calls with families, Zoom brownie camps with dens and a serious amount of social distancing and stinking mask wearing.
(I wonder how many of these were made this year?!)

Date nights in our living room (who’d have thought) learning to knit again, crocheting, snuggles with my 3, charity marathons. sourdough baking, a lot of cake baking, quiz nights with friends and a constant online scramble to get food deliveries. Oh joy.
The one thing that has been great is the super surge in all the new crochet and knitters. Think people have had the time to start a new skill and enjoy doing something new. Hope all you newbees are enjoying your new skills and continue on into the new year! Big yarny hugs to all you lovely ones, that have kept us all going through the good and the not so good times of 2020. Love our social media yarny community!!

Heyho, whatever next year brings, we are in this together! Here’s to making some memories, a different kind of way. Love and yarny hugs for 2021 all. Stay safe everyone.
Here’s a few of my yarny memories from this rather different year.
