Woven Stitch

Ooo half term!! And relax!! A week of no school runs, after school activities, taxi services, alarms… just some serious family snuggles and fun!! Yey! Can’t wait. It does feel very late this year though! Usually it was last week. Well definitely not complaining.
So you may have noticed a little Master Rudolf in the picture above!! Now I know it’s not Christmas yet, but I couldn’t resist putting this little guy on here just in case anyone was tempted by him and wanted to start early. You will find his pattern in the pattern section, if you would like to make him.

My friend has had the most ingenious idea of making Master Rudolf in 3 different sizes. Small, medium and large, one each for her daughter’s! Such a lovely idea. They are all going to have different coloured noses too. She’s using my multi strand idea, so large will be 3 strands of dk, medium is 2 strands and small is 1 strand. But you can always just use Chunky, Aran and DK wool. Can’t wait to see them. Will definitely post a picture when she’s finished.
So how are we all? The weather is definitely changing. I wonder how long I will survive without my big coat. It’s a bit early to snuggle up in it yet, I am sure!! I do think I am one of those that struggle with the cold. Well not exactly struggle with the weather being cold, but I feel the cold more. It definitely doesn’t help with pains and joints. Gloves are a go go and I reckon I might whip up some wrist warmers to wear too. I’ve got loads of ideas for different projects for next year. Can’t wait to share them with you all. Wrist warmers will definitely be on the list to do.
My christmas and birthday to do list is still rather long. I do feel like I am ticking them off though. I’m still on a hat mission for my father-in-law and I nearly forgot, I started my Dad’s socks the other day. This is some magnificent 4ply sock yarn from the wonderful West Yorkshire Spinners. It’s the bird range, think this one is Bluetit. Can’t wait to see how it hooks up with my sock pattern. I’m still a little way off from publishing the pattern, but I promise I will get it on here as soon as possible!!

I had a definitely lucky yarn moment the other day. One of our local yarn shops has moved yarny homes to the Mitchell’s Centre near Sutton. The lovely Knitting Corner. It’s such a magnificent shop with the nicest people in there!! They have lots of knit and natter sessions and even Ginit nights too, which definitely consists of drinking gin and yarny activities!! So they have been posting about the utterly scrummy West Yorkshire Spinner limited edition sock yarn!! It’s called fairy lights and it’s oh so lovely!! I knew it was a must have!! I bought last years candy cane edition, so knew this years was a must! Well I don’t know how I managed it but I got the last one!! Apparently it’s sold out everywhere now!! Can’t believe it!! I feel like a kid with the latest toy craze!! The Knitting Corner have made these fab kits, with the free knitting pattern and a contrast toe and heel colour!! Really can’t wait to get stuck into this one, but trying to decide if I wait for the Christmas holidays to enjoy it. It’s a tricky one? Would be a nice project to start on Boxing Day.

Right so we had better get onto this weeks stitch. It’s  called the Woven Stitch and is made up of double crochet and chain stitches. It’s ever so simple and works up ever so quickly. Lovely in a pale colour so you can really see the stitch layout. In the first row I have reduced the stitch count, as we had a few extra stitches with those extra chain stitches we worked in for the Paired Popcorn stitches.

Stitches –
Chain (ch) – To make a chain, place the yarn over the hook then pull it through the loop on your hook.
Double Crochet (dc) – Insert the hook through the stitch, front to back, then yarn over hook and pull back through stitch. You will have two loops on your hook. Then yarn over your hook and pull through both loops.
Supplies –
This week I have used a lovely dusty pale pink from the organic cotton Debbie Bliss Range. Now I know I have only used one other cotton yarn in this blanket, but I just had to make an exception with this one as it is so soft and given to me by my Mum. So as always you will need about 30g of double knit yarn, 4mm crochet hook, some scissors and a blunt ended tapestry needle.

Ok so here we go…
1 – So in this first row, we need to reduce the stitch count again. At the minute we have 233 and it needs to be back down to 200. So to do this we are going to work dc stitches across the row, but missing every other chain stitch. So start by attaching your new yarn on to the wrong side of your blanket and chain 1. Then work 1dc in the same stitch and then 1dc in the next 2 stitches. Now miss 1 chain. This is where the arrow is pointing.

Then work 1dc in the next 2 stitches, 1 chain stitch and then 3 stitches. So basically you are working 6 stitches in total. Then once again miss 1 chain stitch. This is where the arrow is pointing.

Now repeat the process across the row. So repeat *work 1dc in the next 6 stitches and then miss 1 chain stitch* to the end of the row.

After the last missed chain stitch, work 1 dc in the next 5 stitches. We have now reduced the stitch count by 33 stitches. (200)

2 – Ok so turn your work and chain 1. Then work 1 dc in the same stitch. Now we are going to chain 1 and then miss a stitch and then work 1dc in the next stitch.

*Now chain 1, miss a stitch and then work 1dc in the next stitch.* Repeat this ** across the row.

In the last 3 stitches of the row, chain 1, miss 1 stitch, work 1dc in the next and last stitch. (200)

3 – Right then so turn your work and chain 1. Then work 1dc in the same stitch. So now you need to chain 1 and miss 1 stitch and then work 1dc in the ch1sp. This is where the arrow is pointing.

So now *chain 1, miss 1 stitch and work 1dc in the ch1sp.* Repeat this ** across the row.

When you get to the end of the row, work 1dc in the last ch1sp and then simply work 1dc in the last stitch. (200)

4 – Ok so final row. Turn your blanket and chain 1. Then work 1dc in the same stitch. Now this row is a repeat of row 3. So *chain 1, miss 1dc and then work 1dc in the ch1sp.*

Repeat this ** across the row.

After the last dc in the ch1sp, work 1dc in the last stitch. And this completes your row. (200)

And there we have the very simple, yet lovely Woven Stitch. With all these wonderful stitches, it amazes me how a slight tweak with positioning of stitches and you have a totally different look and feel!! Don’t you just love crocheting!!

Happy hooking everyone.