On this page I will list all of the video tutorials. So you will be able to quickly find and follow them at your leisure.
The first set of videos will be for the Crochet Beginner.
Crochet Beginners –
Lesson 1 – Slip Knots, Foundation Chains and Double Crocheting Stitch.

Here’s the link.
Lesson 2 – Magic Ring, Slip Stitch, Crocheting in the Round, Chain Stitch, Increasing, Decreasing, Stitch Markers.

Here’s the link.
Here’s a quick a simple video tutorial showing you how make a Magic Ring.

Here’s a simple video tutorial showing you how to crochet into your magic ring.

This video gives you tips on how to crochet with faux fur yarn.

A video on how to crochet a simple Granny Square. This is a great little project for beginners.

It is really important to block any of your crocheted and knitted work. It’s a very simple method of washing your work and then pinning it out for a day or so. It helps the yarn to relax and set the yarn in place. Gives you a much more professional finish.