Hello my lovely ones, how are we all on this rather drizzly Sunday. It’s a bit nippy isn’t it. It is May right? Hmm. Well I am loving wearing my warm snuggles still. And definitely love crocheting and knitting them too! My feet are still snuggled up in at least 4 pairs of yarny yumminess. Not quite as bad as the depths of winter, when it’s usually 7, but nearly there. I swear we had paddling pools out, this time last year. We definitely had sun cream on, didn’t we? Oh well. Sure it will get better soon.

I had my first vaccine on Friday. Was slightly worried about the whole delightful side effects that can occur, but luckily we have only suffered slightly. My arm is definitely still feeling the love of the vaccine though, but luckily not bad enough for no crocheting or knitting! Phew!! My little lady decide to snuggle up to me, with her crocheting, which was a treat in itself.

So I wanted to jump on here to show you these amazing projects bags from the wonderful Lisa over at For The Love of Yarn.

If you haven’t visited her website recently, then you are seriously missing out! Here’s the link.
I bought mine from Lisa last month and have been carrying it around ever since. It’s such a simple, yet super functional bag. I bought mine when I started my knit socks challenge with Michelle over at The Loveliest Yarn Company. It’s a great size for a big ball of yarn and your needles & bits that go with sock knitting.

I have also used it for a silk shawl, which again the full amount of yarn & the shawl itself fitted inside the bag. So that was a massive plus for me.

I think if you wanted to take a crocheting or knitting kit as well & a few other bits, you may want the larger size. There are two sizes to the bags. My daughter has the larger size, that you can see here. Guessing it just depends on what you want the project bag for. Mine is the sock project bag & the larger is called the signature project bag. Ooooo, there’s a needle roll & a little notions pouch too! I had better start saving my pennies!!

There are lots of other fabrics to choose from too, so there is something for everyone! Ooo, you could mix and match!!! Ekkk!!!

I think one of the major bonuses for me, is the square base that they have. It’s great as the bag stands up, regardless of what you have in it. Nothing ever falls out, as it doesn’t tip over like a lot of other project bags. And I can’t do a proper review without talking about the handle!

Ok, hands up, I have used the handle of the bag, to carry around my project & crochet/knit at the same time. If any of you have little ones, you will definitely understand when I say – there are moments when you can totally knit/crochet whilst a little one is happily playing. But then all of a sudden they zoom off in a different direction! So with a project bag that goes over your arm – it takes the opportunity of crocheting/knitting to a whole other level! Another bonus of the handle is that it hangs off your chair whilst you are crocheting/knitting.

Now this chair could be in your garden, in your living room, bit more importantly – on the beach!!! Oh my! Can’t wait for that to happen! I know it’s a bit sad, but I have already tried it on my beach chair, in our garden & it works a treat!! Haha! So as and when a beach trip occurs, this little lady will be coming with me!!!

So to summarise, I absolutely love my little project bag from The love of Yarn! I cannot recommend it enough!! Hope you are one of the lucky ones, that has one in your life!! Fingers crossed!!

Well have a lovely rest of your Sunday.
Happy yarny day.