Well hello my lovely ones. How are we all? Is everyone enjoying the delights of Easter? I love this time of year. Particularly looking forward to the bluebells. They definitely are my favourite. Well that and daffodils too! And of course blossom! Well of it really!!

Has everyone had a good Easter break? We had a lovely time in Cornwall, slightly crazy weather though. One minute bright blue skies and the next crazy wind and rain.

We made the most of it though, it kept us on our toes. The little cottage has a rather wonderful log burner, which went down a treat with all of us, particularly the pup. I reckoned she would have stayed there all night, if I let her.

I managed some rather scrumptious knitting on holiday. Since being a member of Knit School, I seem to be doing more and more knitting. I have learnt so much from the wonderful Michelle. She is a wonderful teacher and Knit School really brings out the best in your knitting. I have been creating a 5 stitch blanket with my Geodes and Gem Club from For the Love of Yarn. It’s such a wonderful club. I opted for the DK Yak base. Yak is such a rich and indulgent base of yarn. As the base is quite dark before it is dyed, it really does give a sumptuous colour. Lisa’s colours are always so delightful, so this really is going to be a gorgeous project to create. As the yarn is from Lisa’s club, it comes as a surprise every month and is based on a gem or geode.

Love opening those parcels and finding out what colours are inside. Such a treat. Currently working on the green which is Amazonite. So far we have had Amethyst and Aquamarine. I wonder what April will be.

The blanket is based on 5 different knit stitches, which repeat for each month. A lovely lady has already asked for the pattern, so I will be adding it to the blog in due course. It will be a little KAL throughout the year which will be fun. Once you have the start and the first 5 stitches, you can just knit away.
Now don’t panic, all you lovely crocheters. I’ve have been working on a little spring crocheting as well. Now this little chap is very shy, so quite hard to find in house. He seems to find some great places to hide, particularly in the Easter egg pile.

Little pickle. I am hoping, if I can track him down, that I can bring you his little pattern by the end of the week. I was supposed to share it with you at easter, but the little tinker went walkabouts. Finally found him all snuggled up in a pile of cleaning washing. What a monkey. Anyways, I hope you like him.
Right, I had better get the washing done. It definitely wont get done by itself.
Happy hooking all, oh and a spot of happy stitching too!
🌈 Xx