Hello world!

Ekk. Right ok, just a little bit excited right now. Can’t quite believe that I have finally taken the plunge into writing my very own crochet blog. It has been a long time coming.

I have always been a fan of making and creating things, ever since I can remember. I can safely say it is a big part of my life. I like that I can create something from scratch, either for my family or for a present for someone.

When I was a little girl, I used to watch my dear Grannie and Nanna knitting and creating all sorts of jumpers and slipper socks. These wonderful items would then be shared with all of their family. I used to love receiving mine and wearing them, knowing that they had put so much love and time into it. I remember watching my Gran knitting in her chair once and I swear she was asleep! Her eyes were definitely closed!!!! (I wonder if I will ever be able to crochet in my sleep – I’ll have to let you know!!)

My lovely Mum has always knitted and sewed too, but has recently taken her knitting to a whole new level. Mum can knit so quickly now, it’s insane. I think since having grandchildren, her love for knitting has grown, so she can now adapt & change her own creations accordingly. I remember when my mum taught me how to knit. It took many attempts, but we got there in the end. It wasn’t until I saw the lovely Kerry Lord at the NEC Knit and Stitch Show, many moons ago, that I discovered the wonderful world of crocheting. I can safely say my life changed (for the better – obviously). It was funny that it took me a while to grasp knitting, where as crocheting just came naturally to me.

This is the one and only Benedict the Monkey. This was my very first crocheted toy. Hang on, this was my very first crochet project!!

When I saw the Toft stand, I just fell in love with Kerry’s super crocheted animals and knew I just had to learn how to crochet. New Years Resolution was made and completed! I started off with Benedict the little monkey and from here on in, the addiction grew. I will still knit from time to time (mainly slipper socks), but my main passion is definitely crocheting.

Who’d have thought a crochet hook and a ball of yarn would fit in your ski salopettes pocket. Crocheting with a view.

I love how transportable it is. You can crochet anywhere in the world. (Even in the dark – but I think that’s a story for another day!) I think my most bizarre place of crocheting was whilst on a ski holiday. I realised that my crochet hook & a small ball of wool would fit into my salopette pockets, so whenever there was a spare moment on the slopes, out it came and a bit more was completed. I don’t think I have seen anyone else crochet on a ski slope, but i’m sure there is another addicted crocheter out there like myself.

My aim for this blog is to bring you lots of patterns, tutorials & ideas to help you with your own creations. Being surrounded by teachers in the family & being one myself before having my children, I feel like teaching is in my heart & soul. So hoping I can help others with their crocheting & basically inspire more crochet addicts!!!!

Ooo – getting excited again!! :o) Happy hooking. Xx

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