Year of the Stitches Week 34 – Triple Treble Crochet Stitch

Triple Treble Crochet Stitch 

Ooooo it’s food festival time here in lovely Lichfield. It’s one of those events of the year, that never seems to get missed in our household! Worryingly, I’m starting to know quite a few of the vendors now and looking out for their yummy goodies!!! It’s definitely growing though! Nom nom. I remember the first time we went, we hit it like absolute lunatics!! Every stall that looked good, we were on it! Resulting in us peaking way too early and missing out on some seriously yummy food. So this year, we walked around, saw what was on offer and weighed up our options. It did work rather well, except for my husband loving some bbq smoked ribs so much, he had 3 helpings! It was from Dick’s Smoke House stall near Minster Pool.

The guy remembered him and couldn’t quite decide if he was more impressed with the amount of times he came back or the fact he was wearing a white shirt with no food drips down it!! Lol!! Hopefully, next year, a few other stalls might get a look in. We did get some of these bad boys for dessert! Ninja Pig! And it really was!

She was one speedy worker with those little palette knives!! No idea how they keep that plate so cold!

Ooohhh soooooo gooood!!! Little ice cream roll anyone?

Hmmm, I think I had better stop talking about food. It’s making me hungry!

So this week, I seem to have got the sorting bug! I have no idea where it’s come from. But I’ve had a sudden urge to blitz the house top to bottom. It’s rather a nice feeling getting everything back to where they should be. Before my little busy bee son arrived, I spent the last few nesting months of my pregnancy getting the house straight. It was sort city in the house – if you stood still long enough you would get sorted. But unfortunately it didn’t quite stay sorted. I think the craziness of people visiting to meet my son, my daughter starting school, my daughter’s birthday and then to top it all off – Christmas – all took its toll and things started to go downhill somewhat. I reckon it’s one of those moments, when you have a load of people coming, you’ve been making and wrapping presents, looking after a new born as well as a little one and then all of a sudden you need a tidy house! Yeah, things got put in bags and shoved in cupboards! Whoops! So yeah, I have a few cupboards that need some serious attention. I think it’s the panic of my daughter going back to school again and I just know, as soon as that school term starts, Christmas will be here before we know it!! Ekk!! Now I know some of you are probably thinking what’s she worrying about. But genuinely my whole families’s birthdays, including both my children’s, are in the few months that lead up to Christmas. So it’s a crazy time for pressies!! Haha, it’s all good fun!! Might be nice with a sorted house though!!

Right then, so back to the world of crocheting. This week has been sock week again. I know I am definitely becoming the sock lady!! Socks, socks and more socks!! They seem to be coming out of my ears! I finished this pair of slipper socks for my lovely sister in law. Finally the family slipper sock collection is complete. Everyone has a pair now, so that’s a good job done.

I’ve also started playing around with ideas for a new Christmas pattern. Won’t say too much on this note, but will let you know as soon as it’s settled!! Hee hee! It definitely feels too early to be thinking about Christmas, but nice to be designing a little yarny loveliness!!

Ok so onto this weeks stitch. Now I started down the path of the wonderful little pyramid stitch. But I soon realised it used the Triple Treble Crochet Stitch. So thought we’d better have a look at that this week and keep the Little Pyramid for another day. It’s a great stitch and has some serious height. Now once again you will have noticed I’ve only crocheted one row of this stitch. Because of the height and the nature of the stitch, it’s a rather loose one, so decided again to stick to only one row. Definitely don’t want to effect that lovely tension we’ve got going on. So it’s a pretty easy stitch to crochet, you just need to remember it’s one step up from a Double Treble Crochet.


Chain (ch) – To make a chain stitch, make a slip knot on your hook and then place the yarn over your hook and pull through the loop. Repeat this action to make a row of stitches.

Triple Treble Crochet (ttr) – A Triple treble is quite a tall stitch. So yarn over hook three, insert hook through the stitch and then yarn over hook again. Now pull the yarn through the stitch. There will now be 5 loops on the hook. Now place the yarn over the hook and pull through the first 2 loops. (4 loops on your hook.) Then yarn over the hook again and pull through the next two loops. (3 loops on your hook.) Haha, now place the yarn over the hook again and pull through the next 2 loops. (2 loops on your hook.) Then yarn over your hook again and pull through the last 2 loops. Phew! It’s a bit of a long process, but a lovely stitch with the height that it gives.


So this week I have chosen a lovely burnt orange from my all time favourite super soft Sublime range. Couldn’t resist using it again this week. You roughly need about 30g/40g of yarn. Don’t forget your scissors, blunt ended tapestry needle and of course your 4mm crochet hook.

Ok so here we go …

1 – Right then, so working on the right side, attach your new yarn and chain 5. (This acts as 1ttr.) Now yarn over your hook 3 times.

Now insert into your stitch, yarn over your hook and pull through. (5 loops on the hook) Now place the yarn over your hook and pull through the first 2 loops. (4 loops on your hook) Then yarn over the hook again and pull through the next two loops. (3 loops on your hook) Haha, now place the yarn over the hook again and pull through the next 2 loops. (2 loops on your hook) Then yarn over your hook again and pull through the last 2 loops. This completes your first 1ttr.

Now work 1ttr in each stitch in the row.

Finishing with 1ttr in the last stitch in the row. (200)

And there you have one row of Triple Treble Crochets.

So there you have the lovely Triple Treble stitch. Goodness, it’s a bit of a long stitch isn’t it. I do like it though. I’m not sure why, but I spent the whole time thinking that they all looked like toy soldiers all standing to attention. This stitch would be rather nice worked in 4ply on a shawl or a drape, the movement it gives, is really quite something.

Anyways, here’s to a good week of wonderful crocheting.

Happy hooking everyone.



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