Year of the Stitches – Week 5 Double Treble Stitch

The Double Treble Stitch 

Hi everyone. It’s been a very sad week for our family. My dear Grannie passed away this week. So sad. Not quite sure how to put it all into words or what to say. I am currently writing this, whilst snuggled under the foot blanket I made for her. Unfortunately, she never got to have the blanket, but it’s now known officially as ‘GG’s blanket’ according to my daughter. (Hmmm, I seem pretty attached to it!)

My dear Gran was 96 years old. She had 2 children, 6 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. What an amazing lady. Family was very important to her. Gran used to keep all our feet warm with her wonderful slipper socks. She was so chuffed when she found out that I was going to carry on making them for everyone. I feel very honoured to do so. She always used to say that there was a little corner for everyone. I was never sure where my corner was, but I definitely think I’ve found it now in PipsRainbow. I definitely feel at home here.

So this week I’d like to dedicate my yarn colour to my very special Grannie. It’s a lovely calm peaceful lilac colour from the King Cole cotton soft range. She loved this colour. I’d say it was second best to the pale blue I used on week 2.

Stitches – 

Chain stitch (ch) – To make a chain stitch, make a slip knot on your hook and then place the yarn over your hook and pull through the loop. Repeat this action to make a row of stitches.

Double Treble Stitch (dtr) – A double treble is quite a tall stitch. So yarn over hook twice, insert hook through the stitch/space and then yarn over hook again. Now pull the yarn through the stitch. There will now be 4 loops on the hook. Now place the yarn over the hook and pull through the first 2 loops. Then yarn over the hook again and pull through the next two loops. Haha, now place the yarn over the hook again and pull through the last 2 loops. Phew! It’s a bit of a long process, but a lovely stitch with the height that it gives.


So again you need to choose a double knit yarn of any kind. You roughly need about 30g. Don’t forget your scissors, blunt ended tapestry needle and your 4mm hook.

So here we go …

1 – First of all, join your new yarn by inserting your hook into the first stitch and pulling the new yarn through.

2 – Then chain 4. Now to make your first dtr you need to wrap your yarn over your hook twice.

Then insert your hook through the next stitch, yarn over your hook, then pull back through. This will give you 4 loops on your hook.

Now yarn over your hook and pull it through the first 2 loops. This will give you 3 loops on your hook.

Now yarn over your hook again and pull through 2 loops on your hook. This will leave you with the last 2 loops.

Finally the last stage of the dtr, yarn over your hook and pull through the last 2 loops. This will leave you with 1 loop on your hook, ready to start the next stitch.

So carrying on working 1dtr into each stitch across the row.

And in this last stitch, work a dtr as normal and fasten off and sew in ends as usual with a tapestry needle. Make sure you know which is the right and wrong side. The next row you do will be worked on the wrong side for next weeks stitch. So if you find it difficult to tell. Don’t sew in your ends, till you are about to start next weeks stitch. (201)

And there you have it. One row of double treble stitches. As this is quite a tall stitch, we are only going to only work one row. Feel free to do more, but work an odd number as next weeks stitch, needs to start on the wrong side of the blanket.

Hope you have all enjoyed this weeks stitch. Any queries or questions, just give us a shout.

I dedicate this weeks stitch and yarn to my Grannie. Here’s to you – Gran. I will miss you so very very much. You will always have a special place in my heart.

Forever your granddaughter.


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